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mikes got some post nut afterglow~




Will the effects on mike last? >:3


Well I'd love to be in Mike's situation, only prefer knots to hores


But he hasn't been changed into a herm yet... I've always loved and wanted to be herms, maybe I'm just greedy and want the best of both.

Haha Goo Boy

Goooosh those bellies touching~ I live for stuff like that 💙 Definitely agree with others: very jealous of Mike


Mike's now permanently a beeg guy. Sure he'll make good use of those assets >;3


All of the effects or just some of them? I'd assume that restore would undo what the card did but perhaps not the punishment thing, so he'd lose his breasts and such but retain the horse dong and libido, which would be a pretty amazing outcome ngl, especially as it opens the door for a short aftermath comic with him adjusting to that new size in daily life, as well as his increased horniness, potential for some sexy times there with him unsuccessfully trying to hide a massive erection in public, or just mindlessly putting on old shorts or something just to have it dangle down and out one of the legs... Thoughts like that make me kinda wish we lived in a world as eventful and exciting as some of what goes on in certain artworks.


Unless he forgets to say "Restore" before fin draws a card then I assume all effects are permanent including the breasts and horse dong


I'm feening for the next part 🤤