The lights are on and no one is home [Work Along] [Body Double] [Productivity] [The world’s BIGGEST coffee swallow] talk of [Let’s Plays] [Wicked] the musical [Jonathan Bailey] [AMC Movies Lady] I’m goofy today [Little Silly Goofy Girl Work-along]
Cramming my e-reader with a bunch of free romance books | What I'm picking up at the Romance Book Blast January 28th
You’re the first thing I’m doing this morning, aren’t you lucky [Work Along] [Body Double] [9-5] [Head Down Work] [Concentration] [ADHD] [Lofi Beats]
Playing morning inbox wack-a-mole [Body Doubling] [ADHD] [Work Along] [Coffee] [Collab] [Script Reading] with [Giggles] [Typing] a shocking [One Week] song feature for just a little bit and a whole heckin bunch of [Alley Rose] [Singing] [Accountabil-a-buddy] [Productivity]
A little sad, but still need to work [Body Doubling] [Workalong] with [Music] [Kylie Dailey] [Youtube Woes]
Pack with me for vacation [Body Doubling] [Trying on clothes] [Bravest Girl] [Bikinis] [Leggings] [Dresses]
Finishing up my to-do list before my vacation starts [Body Double] [Work Along] [ADHD] [9-5] slightly [Sick] [Distraction] [Time Tracking] [Time Blindness] the [Singing] stim this time is I think [SVU Law and Order Theme] and a little of [So High School] [Back and Neck Cracks] with [Stretches] talk of [BG3] and other games
What do you have to do today? Get it done with me. [Work Along] [Body Double] [Meta] [ADHD] [Coffee Drinking] [9-5] [Stomach Growling] [Rambles] [Cat Interruption]
Getting back on track after being sick [Script Writing] [Meta] [Romance Industry] [Character types] [Typing] [Coffee Drinking]
Work Along: Is this a safe space to be a workaholic? Can it be? [Body Doubling] [9-5] [Stuffy] [Rambles] [Coffee Drinking]
Work Along: I am a corporate hammer, watch out [9-5 Work] [High Priority vs Low Priority] [Body Doubling] [ADHD] [Coffee Drinking] [Power Work] for [30 Min]
Work Along: Are you calm, I'm *totally* calm [Lies] [Stressed] [9-5 Work] [Challenges] [Body Doubling] [ADHD] [Coffee Drinking] [Distractions]