Memetic March - Content Poll
- Mindbreaker Loop | Onboarding: Reset everything and start over again with a much more cumbrained outlook. 1
- Reverse Uno Counter | Memetic Hazard: [No you] == [Know you deserve good things.] 1
- Memory Melter | Product: Relaxing candles with a twist. Melt away all your worries by forgetting them for a while. 0
- Fractal Edge | Product: No matter when you stop edging another you is still edging in another timeline. 2
- Hypnogas | Product: Tired of chewing on spicy air? No worries we've got you covered in hypnogas, smooth and soporific. 2
- Dreamcaster Travel Brochure | Service: Step through into the dreamscape where your fantasies await. (Induction) 0
- Figma of Your Imagination | Service: Transfer into your ideal mechanoid doll body today! 2
- Conditioning and Terms May Apply | Onboarding: Reading your contract is not required but recommended as you may soon find out. 1