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So is it Gardevoir's fault for drinking the whole thing, or the trainer's fault for buying from a shady vendor...?

This was supposed to be a 'quick' way to warm back up to art but it was actually a total nightmare. The colour on this gave me a ton of trouble, and I usually don't struggle with colour. Going from green to blue was giving me a lot of issues, so hopefully the end result is at least mostly okay!




Definitely the trainer's fault... All pokémon targetted sports drinks have a dosage of 1 bottle. Gardevoir would have no reason to believe otherwise


Honestly, I think the struggle you had with colours really paid out in the end because that's probably my favorite part on this pic. Seeing Gardevoir's arm go from green to a more dark seafoam colour and *then* blue is oddly super satisfying. Obviously the size and shape are great too, as always, but something about the colours themselves REALLY gets to me.


Oh my goodness, this is really good! <3