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Hey everyone!
Hope life's been treating you all well c:
As you may have noticed there has been a lack of content recently, so I thought i'd just update yall really quick.
The current commission as I've stated previously is the biggest one of this batch, might even be the most complex one i've done.

As you can see its 4 illustrations, and what was planned to be multiple pages, after some deliberation the client decided it should all be on one page like my 4 illustration bea piece. Im having a good time with this one! its just that it takes a lot of effort, so i havent really found the time to work on any side illustrations, thus there havent been any uploads as of late.

I am almost through with the sketching phase now tho, and everything after should be done a little quicker. We're still on for the art raffle at the end of this month, looking forward to drawing one of your suggestions again after I had to miss out on it last month. <3



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