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Please note that I will message you on the 25th of the month once its your characters turn, make sure to reply until the 30th, otherwise i will skip your character for that month and try again the following month c:

EDIT: I made some changes to the schedule, please note that these are not set in stone as of right now. If something comes up I'll let you all know.
Also please note the gap between Mallow and Nuwa, I will be staying the hospital for another 10 weeks during that time.

  • December: Sheena Fujibayashi (Tales of Symphonia)
  • April: Tharja (Fire Emblem)
  • May: Frieren (Frieren at the Funeral)
  • June: Corrin (Fire Emblem)
  • July: Mallow (Pokemon)
  • October: Nuwa (Shin Megami Tensei)
  • November: Okusawa Misaki (Bang Dream)
  • December: Hazawa Tsugumi (Bang Dream)


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