Imperial Regions (Patreon)
The Empire is divided into a number of subdivisions, but the largest of which are regions, vast expanses of space classified by their closeness or lack thereof to the Empire's core territories.
The Inner Core :
The handful of systems and satellite colonies that ended up founding the Empire. Many believe it refers only to Sol, Alpha Centauri and Epsilon Eridiani, but in truth it holds a dozen systems, most of which were effectively ruins when the Empire was founded, but have evolved into thriving, highly industrialized systems. The Inner core is the highest concentration of industry in human space, rivaling or perhaps even surpassing the old days of the Federation, and Sol alone outproduces entire sectors. It is also the seat of Imperial power and the center of its political and financial machine.
The Outer Core :
The Outer Core Worlds represent the vast majority of the Empire's industrial and technological might. While not as heavily industrialized as the Inner Core on a world by world basis, the Outer Core has far more systems and a much greater array of raw resources. The greatest export of the Outer Core is commercial starships, built en masse either for their own use or for export to the many worlds within or without the Empire that cannot reach for the stars on their own.
The Periphery :
The economic engine of the Empire, the Periphery is technically divided into inner and outer sections, but it mostly denote the date of those systems joining the Empire and their proximity to Terra, though there are noticeable differences in industry and trade patterns, with the Inner Periphery being more well known for its heavy industry while the Outer Periphery specializes in more delicate goods like enchantments and electronics.
The Rim :
Also called the Rimworlds, designates a large collection of worlds that have fairly recently joined the Empire. While not destitute by any means, and thoroughly integrated into the Imperial economy thanks to their time spent as a client state, these worlds lack in industrial infrastructure and are utterly dependent on imports to maintain starflight as well as their level of technology.
The Frontier :
Also called the border worlds. The official border of the Empire and the greatest concentration of military power per system outside of the Core Worlds, serving as massive supply hubs and fleet bases for the vast array of customs vessels, exploration fleets or the various ships that service or show the flag in the various client states of the Empire.
The Inner Protectorates :
Technically a misnommer, as not all client states are protectorates. Designates the client states and worlds that are extremely close to the Imperial border. Most of these worlds are effectively surrounded by other Imperial client states, and thus relatively secure.
The Outer Protectorates :
Any Imperial client world that is more than a few jump from the Frontier is considered part of them. Sometimes surrounded by neutral or hostile systems, these worlds rely on their client state status for an advantage or protection.
The Borderlands :
The buffer zones between the Empire (as well as its client states) and any other interstellar polity, though in general it refers to the buffer zones between the Empire and the Coalition, as well as the one with the Khanate.
Unclaimed Space :
Also called Neutral space, effectively all independent worlds that have not sworn alliegance to one interstellar power or another, but still have recovered spaceflight to some level and have regular ish trade.
Wild Space :
Space where human colonies have not clawed their way back to space yet, and rarely see any trade ships or have any infrastructure to service them.