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The Leftovers Reactions

Season 1 Episode 3 - Two Boats and a Helicoptor

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this episode OBVIOUSLY

Patreon Exclusive FULL REACTIONS!

#TheLeftovers #Season1 #TwoBoatsAndAHelicoptor

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I love that you're approaching this series from the perspective of a skeptic. I think the series is most enjoyable that way. A lot of viewers tend to take everything at face worth and see things as overly mystical. Despite the main premise of the show revolving around an unmistakably supernatural event (or is it?), this does not necessarily have to be a sci-fi show (or is it?). I can understand your initial disdain for Matt's character, he's an acquired taste. And there definitely will be more character-centeric episodes to come!


Also have you given thought about starting to push these out on Youtube at some point? I do think that is the way to go in terms of publicity