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Dark Reactions w/ Siobhan!

Season 1 Episode 7 - Crossroads

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this episode OBVIOUSLY

Patreon Exclusive FULL REACTIONS!

#Dark #Season1 #Crossroads

<iframe https:="" src="<a href=">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dsZm0Yh1w-2N6sreT9PmJ3MOOyvVG-41/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>





I'm loving how you both are working out the lineage for the characters we've seen throughout the 2019 and 1986 timelines. It can be confusing at first for non-POV characters such as Helge Doppler. This first season is a lot of establishing scenes between characters to really cement their relationships with each other because things are about to get very fuckery. Can't wait to watch the next one!

JK Reacts

We've watched the final two I'm just working on editing them... The final scenes of the last episode made my nose bleed lol


I binged season 3 the first two days it was out, and I can easily say that it gets SO MUCH WORSE lol. But it's also one of the best-plotted shows I've ever seen. They really did their homework to not create a lot of time shenanigans loopholes that most time-travel shows fall into.

Mimi Kannisto

Malifex I did the same. Just been waiting for all the reactions to come out since. Only just learned they had been reacting to it here.