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Euphoria Reactions!

Season 1 Episode 3: Made You Look

Our November 2020 FULL SEASON DROP

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this episode OBVIOUSLY

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#Euphoria #Season1 #MadeYouLook

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Todd Bell

Jules the character and the actress that plays her are both trans. Even though she used a gay dating app I don't think she's identified as gay in the past, because she sees herself as a (trans) woman, who has been attracted to men, which makes her het. But. Straight guys have been known to lose their shit when they find themselves attracted to trans women. Gay panic is a thing, and it can be a very dangerous thing, so I think she's on gay dating sites because it's safer. Nobody is going to murder her because they find out she has a penis. at worst, she's going to have a harder time finding anyone interested because she's extremly feminine for an app like grindr.