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Better Call Saul Reactions!

Season 5 Episode 10 - Something Unforgivable

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this episode OBVIOUSLY

Patreon Exclusive FULL REACTIONS!

#BetterCallSaul #Season5FINALE #SomethingUnforgivable

<iframe https:="" src="<a href=">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iOyjw5mOOs5Ja6SfhvErh5-xL_na0g4V/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>




What a ride. This finale was frankly a bit slower than I expected but it really did a great job at setting up season 6. Production for S6 is only starting early next year cause of Covid, so it's gonna be a while sadly... Leftovers reactions are pretty notorious for getting taken down on Youtube, but I haven't noticed anyone having issues with BCS, even small channels.

Melanie Goldstein

Now that you've done both The Leftovers and Better Call Saul, I hope you agree that it's borderline criminal that neither Rhea Seahorn (Kim) or Carrie Coon (Nora) were even nominated for an emmy for their performances. Hopefully they'll come to their senses and recognize Rhea for season 6 but what are those clowns doing?!?!