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The Wire Reactions!

Season 1 Episode 5: The Pager

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

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#TheWire #Season1 #ThePager

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Ari is my Cat

Just a tidbit, back in episode 1, the "Snot Boogie" story that starts the series was a story given to the writers from one of the former cops that consulted on the show as a thing he heard from a witness about a shooting he investigated.

Ari is my Cat

Each season of the show gives a look into different things, like Unions, Politicians, Teachers, Newspaper reporters, and still has the general police vs drug trade stuff.

Ari is my Cat

Idris Elba = Stringer Bell Wood Harris = Avon Barksdale The guy in the hospital is Avon's older brother. Larry Gilliard Jr. = D'Angelo Barksdale aka Dee D'Angelo Barksdale is Avon's nephew, his sisters son. So the guy in the hospital is another uncle. I don't think they put a name to him.

JK Reacts

Ahh, I just remember that was the picture of the boxer. So the cops have it wrong still lol

Ari is my Cat

No Avon was a boxer so they have his old golden gloves picture. His brother probably boxed too.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I’ve never thought Omar was possessive. I think him and Brandon just had a very top/bottom, Daddy/baby boy, type relationship. Omar is my fav character for the first 2 seasons. Man got to have a code.