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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reactions w/Draco!

Season 1 Episode 5: Truth

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

#FalconAndWinterSoldier #Season1 #Truth

<iframe https:="" src="<a href=">https://drive.google.com/file/d/155jSsfPsm8PBisuhUcZ4Wc8RKPd91k4W/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>



Ari is my Cat

Thor's hammer Mjölnir was broken by his big sister Hela. Siblings man, siblings...

Ari is my Cat

What they had planned for him they said "We will take him to the raft" That is the floating prison they put half the Avengers in in "Civil War"

Ari is my Cat

John Walker: "Oh yeah, I'll go build my own shield with black jack and hookers!" When Howard Stark got the Vibranium to build the shield he thought that was all there was but Wakanda had lots of the stuff. Ulysses Klaue stole a ton of it and Ultron bought it from him.

Ari is my Cat

Walker did not get the super soldier serum until he took it from Karli in episode 4.