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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reactions w/Draco!

Season 1 Episode 6: One World, One People

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

#FalconAndWinterSoldier #SeriesFINALE #OneWorldOnePeople

<iframe https:="" src="<a href=">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c-x08WLR--_8vTZEqK9-9ac7W272loK1/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>



Ari is my Cat

Karli Morgenthau is in the comic books but her name in the comics is Karl Morgenthau.

Ari is my Cat

If you want a show good for Draco, The Mighty Ducks show on D+ is pretty entertaining.

Ari is my Cat

It has been announced that the show runner will direct Captain America 4.