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The Handmaid's Tale Reactions!

Season 4 Episode 6: Vows

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

#TheHandmaidsTale #Season4 #Vows

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Ari is my Cat

Elisabeth Moss is such a good actress, I was a little disappointed to find out she is a Scientologist but she was raised in it so I guess that's better than converting to it.

Ari is my Cat

Boarding a ship for searching for contraband is a long process. When I was in the Persian Gulf we were boarding 2 to 3 ships a day and that took up all our time. We did end up confiscating more ships in the 3 months we were there than everyone else combined during that 13 year operation.


I'm so with you! This episode was everything I wanted and so much more.

Mingo Wayama

At the other extreme is a customs inspection of a U.S. Navy vessel. I was on the quarterdeck when I was in the Navy in 1970: inspector walks onto the quarterdeck, asks the officer on deck for any customs declarations, accepts maybe a half-dozen, and leaves. Probably about 60 seconds. And the ship was low in the water with merchandise!

Mingo Wayama

Loved the reaction, as usual. Teared up at the same scenes. Later today, I re-watched, for the umpteenth time, The Joy Luck Club, a symphony of emotions involving 8 mother-daughter relationships, 4 in China, and then 4 more when the daughters emigrate to the U.S. and have daughters of their own. Imagine you would enjoy.


Let's not kid ourselves this isn't gonna last more than two episodes 🥲

Ari is my Cat

Did they have to board at sea? Boarding a ship at sea comes with some safety issues all it's own. We ended up in a bit of a stand off with Iran that left us waiting for the order to open fire on the three gun boats that showed up to try and stop us from boarding. We ended up letting the boat go instead of going for the international incident.

Mingo Wayama

No. This was after we had returned to our homeport in the U.S. from a delightful visit to Bermuda.