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Game of Thrones Reactions!

Season 1 Episode 5: The Wolf and the Lion

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

Patreon Exclusive FULL REACTIONS!

<iframe https:="" src="<a href=">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cGbPGxw0ZY4a0J5gmT3ltwSePXAKkYLV/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>




Yes, the intro changes depending where they are going in the episode. I wouldn't mind if you included the intro in the video if you watch it.


Loras Tyrell's horse was a Mare (female) and in heat, and The Mountain's horse was a Stallion (male), so the Stallion knew that the Mare was in heat, which is what caused Loras to be able to knock The Mountain off of his horse. As for The Mountain, his actor changes a couple of times.