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Dexter Reactions w/Siobhan!

Season 9 Episode 1: Cold Snap

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

#DexterNewBlood #Season9PREMIERE #ColdSnap

<iframe https:="" src="<a href=">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eWq2zfjgVQFfewPMIeAJHL4MSn903xgT/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>



Joe Lazarus

Glad Dexter's back!!! Yes, lots of questions ...how did Harrison know Dexter was still alive when Hannah saw on the news that he was supposedly killed by the hurricane? How did he know where to find him? How much does he know?? etc All in due time I guess.. so are we getting a new intro next ep since the dark passenger awoke? I think the reason Dex decided to take Harrison in was because of what the rich kid said..that he had no guidance or compass because of bad parenting or lack of. And since Dex is grateful for what Harry did, he's going to do the same for his son..which leads to another question..how messed up is Harrison, if he is at all?

Chris B

I took the deer as Dexter's routine of fighting his urges. He caught up with it every day, had the possibility to kill it but purposefuly didn't. Sort of like an alkoholic pouring himself a drink and staring at it to prove to himself he doesn't need it. As it was white, probably symbolizes his purity / sobriety.