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Season 1 Episode 4: The Dragon Reborn

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

#TheWheelOfTime #Season1 #TheDragonReborn

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As we learned in episode 1 during the conversation between Moiraine and Nynaeve in the cave, Nynaeve should be too old to be the dragon. But she is obviously very powerful to the surprise of the Aes Sedai. There are two possibilities to interpret the black weaves of Logain; Either it represents the Dark Ones corruption on the male half of the One Power, or it represents the male half itself, like the black half of the yin-yang symbol while white would be the female half.


I took it to represent the corruption because half of Logain's weaves at the beginning are transparent like the female weaves, but then the darkness starts creeping into them.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

You guys think Matt killed everyone? I thought The Fade did and the dagger was compelling Matt to hunt The Fade cuz he didn’t have any blood on him. Nor did the dagger.