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The Wheel of Time Reactions w/Siobhan!

Season 1 Episode 7: The Dark Along the Ways

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

#TheWheelOfTime #Season1 #TheDarkAlongTheWays

<iframe https:="" src="<a href=">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_edRx0eL55Qb8EQZcv7ki4ONegaLphQo/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>



Thomas Stark

I don't know what to say without spoiling to much. The cold opening took place during the Aiel war. Rands mother was an Aiel warrior in the midst of all that mess. Those Illianer soldiers were after her cause she was Aiel nothing more. Also I don't really know your schedule but. As much as I like seeing your reactions. You don't have to push yourself when your so clearly tired. We can wait another day or two.