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Season 6 Episode 11 - Saturday in the Park

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this episode OBVIOUSLY

#ThisIsUs #Season6 #SaturdayInThePark

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i felt bad for toby when he was expressing his feelings during that fight and kevin tried to insert himself as if toby was doing something wrong. like, i totally get the instinct of being protective of your siblings, i'm the same way, but toby isn't a bad guy. it almost felt like it was the big three against him which wasn't fair. i much preferred kevin and randall being there for kate at the end, but yeah. they didn't need to be there during the fight on the front yard. i also didn't like the way kate handled herself in that fight, but i get that emotions were running high. toby had every right to express feeling like he's never being a good enough parent, but kate was also right about how toby only ever sees jack's limitations which is a disheartening thing. but then they were just both wrong in different ways, too. what a scene, though. also, i was dying at your reaction to that final kevin/madison scene, hahaha. i felt the same way, but i think that was their "closure" of sorts.


Baby Jack is the cutest fucking kid I've ever seen in my life are you kidding me