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Season 6 Episode 16: Family Meeting

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this episode OBVIOUSLY

#ThisIsUs #Season6 #FamilyMeeting

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When my sister who is 2 years older than me walked in on our parents putting presents under the christmas tree, she looked at our mom and asked, "Does this mean the Easter Bunny isn't real either?" So adorable! She then begged not to spoil it for me. :-D


I don't think she was with Miguel longer, I think they only had 12 years before she got sick, and then there was about 10 years maybe before he died? Not entirely sure of that timeline. But Jack and Rebecca were married for 21 years before he died and they were together for a while before that. So it'd be a similar amount of time perhaps! Either way, regardless of what they do I am going to be an absolute mess the next two episodes I'm so not ready for it to be over