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Sherlock Reactions!

Series 3 Episode 3: His Last Vow

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

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#Sherlock #Series3 #HisLastVow

<iframe https:="" src="<a href=">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rE9JZWr2RigpLhYxu_a-GETsGY4z7hvS/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>



Chris B

Your "I'm confused" would make a great drinking game ;) Sherlock has a very specific heightened reality. It's not a grounded detective story. More of a fantasy set in modern times. It's a pity you didn't get the "feel" of it. This is my 2nd favourite episode of all the series. That said, I hope you don't consider the entirety a waste of time and enjoyed at least some of the episodes. For season 4, just try to let loose, go with the flow, and don't try to ground it in our reality.