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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Reactions!

Season 1 Episode 7: I'm So Happy that Josh Is So Happy!

*SPOILERS* if you haven't seen this OBVIOUSLY

Patreon Exclusive FULL REACTIONS!

#CrazyExGirlfriend #Season1 #ImSoHappyThatJoshIsSoHappy


Maria Stoycheva

we are such different people. I've been listening to you gush over how gorgeous Rebecca is and how annoying Greg is and I don't get it :D I mean, Rachel Bloom is absolutely lovely, and hilarious, and beautiful. But Rebecca.... I never really liked her, not in 4 seasons. I don't actively dislike her and I do feel for her and her struggles but I just can't see the appeal. Greg, on the other hand... you know the phrase "cruel to be kind", right? some women (me included) absolutely love it when we can make good-humoured fun of a man and he returns the favour and there are no hard feelings. we find that attractive. also, the self-loathing is so relatable :D I do hope you warm up to Greg a bit more before it's too late - I guess I will see in the next reactions ^^ btw, I do appreciate you being honest about your opinions of the characters. they obviously meant for Rebecca to be high on the hot/crazy scale and I am sure they appreciate people noticing ;)

Sebastian Whitaker

I agree with you re: Rachel & Rebecca - I think some fans really have a hard time with some of the decisions she makes (and obviously I get it), but whenever she makes an unhealthy choice, I'm not yelling at my TV, I'm excited because we get to see Rachel Bloom ACT!!!!!! Like, really act. What a powerhouse