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Hey everyone Happy New Year's Eve! I'm here with December's 1st place winner Melony in a 6 part Weight Gain color sketch sequence for you tonight!

For Melony her gaining obliviously and being still happy / content with herself felt right. Included are 4 alternative versions too. First is a Sweaty alt, second is a Dialogue Free alt, third is a little different with a more fuzzy Happy Trail alt and fourth is a shorter Pregnancy themed alt.

But wait that's not all! I mentioned it on her WIP and I plan to make some bonus art when I have more time in January for Melony. I will be posting that here for all Medium Soda patron and above plus https://sta.sh/21nnx8xfmumc here for any folks who may not be sticking around then.

On to this month's Photoshop files ASAP!

