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  • Neverending_Night_Terror... - audiogram.mp4
  • Neverending_Night_Terror... - audiogram.mp4



CW: Horror elements, nightmare scenario, stressful situations, subjected to different fears, thalassophobia, Monsters

It's that time of year when the villains with... extra scary quirks come out. You, Shoto, Deku, Dynamight and Red Riot were sent on a job to take down a very mysterious villain... One who can force you into a deep sleep and live through disturbing nightmares. Will you capture him, or will you suffer eternity in Never ending night terrors?

Writing, Editing and Art by Syrin!

This one a crazy ambitious with the sound design, and I went all out on it!! We hope you guys like the spooky audio this year~ The premier will be up on Youtube later tonight, but Patrons get it early of course! Happy Halloween!





honey lemon

I know a yuzuya audio hates it see me coming



Angel Face ♡



Had to look up thalassophobia. Still can't pronounce it 😅




I'm literally on my way to work i cannot wait to listen to this!! Omg


YEEEESSSS, I wanna wait and listen to it when it's dark but I'm so ready!


Amazing!! Thank you for the early access and for creating something so fun! Cannot wait to see what spooky adventure you made for us this year!

Kazuki Cantu



God I love Halloween




Yes!! This is so amazing thank you!!! We even get to come back as snowfall Eeeee!!! 💕


26:00 I would be sobbing uncontrollably, my thalassophobia would kill me ❤️


At some point, I just stopped breathing. 😅 And ngl, I thought until the very end that we still were in the nightmare and that the clock was about to ring again 😅


Ima need fanart of these costumes PLEASE


Omg this is so creepy I legit was freaked out 12/10 loved it


Omg I'm so excited to get home from work to listen to this!!!


This one gave me the CHILLSS!!! Literally portrayed one of my biggest fears, such an amazing audio as always aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Same here I had no clue thalassophobia was the fear of deep body's of the ocean / water. Scary.

Lulu Bug

Oooo!!!!! SOOO SPOOKY!!!! 10 OUT OF 10

Laxtarista Kotopitakia

Amazing! This one definitely feels like it should be a series 👀 I was honestly expecting to hear the clock again at the end so… hopefully part 2? 🫢☺️


The audio is amazing!! Definitely the most chilling so far and topping the Fantasy Series Hadera Forest episodes, the Curse of Kuroyami Series episodes, and the Halloween Series episodes!! My favourite part was when I thought there was a mosquito, but I was actually hearing Deku's distance scream as he fell into the water; so perfect. Thank you, Team!!


Wow that was amazing!!! Thanks a lot for all the effort you put into these audio, i really felt like i was actually there !! I have Thalassophobia and i actually got chills from it !! Insane audio guys thanks a lot again 😍


I’m at a sleepover but they all asleep now and I can listen 😭🤣


BABY LEMME TELL YOU HOW MY TIMBERS WERE SHIVERED!!! I was stunned! This audio had me actually holding my breath. Your horror has gotten so good!

Takashi Senpai

Omg I loved it when we were matching with shoto again ahhh😭


Holy shit I just watched the premiere on YouTube. This was just amazing! I have a new favorite 🤩. You guys outdid yourselves again. Thank you for all the hard work you guys put into this. Awesome job!!! Um also…. Kat in Mirko’s costume…. I need fan art of this🥴🤭

Shondria Henderson

Loved everything about this audio! Amazing as always Yuya team! We love you guys!


Was listening to this and at like 12 minutes left the lights went out😭


Ngl I was sus til the very last second


reminds me of silent hill and i am living for it


so good!!!


no multi part? :( i thought the end was still somehow part of it cus of how easy that entire thing was


Great video as usual. Reminds me of the 4 part Halloween series done in 2021. Guess Yuya and Syrin wanted to redeem Kiri or make up for no Kirishima centric videos around Oct 16th this year (his birthday) 😄


Gave me scares with the sound design omg 😭😭😭 (that means you guys did amazingly!)


How can I get a refund? :c


Ahhh I loved this so much!!


I loved every minute of this🙌🏾


This was SO SO SO good?! The sound design only gets better I swear. ❤️🧡💚💙

E. Rose

I love how last year Bakugo was so against Snowfall joining the mission and then this time he's like "they're with me"


THE SOUNDS!?!??!!! I am utterly blown away, I got real anxiety listening to this I loved it!!!


Damn the sound effects gave me chills. Shit


I luv how kats called us snowfall instead of snowball when he was scared 🥹🥹


Syrin's been hard carrying the audios by themselves lately. And overall it's a very small team anyway. With how insanely high the audio quality, sfx and vocal performance are, audios take really long to make. Making a series requires a great deal of effort, energy and time. I imagine that's why.


Woohoo this gave me chills. I loved every moment of it though. Way to go Red Riot saving the day!


Okay but this was so good! My only thing is... what makes somebody do this... like the motivation behind nightmare realms within a quirk user like that. So many ideas!


Absolutely loved this!!! I was so immersed! I know we’ve gotten post war Deku, so I would love to see the same thing for the rest of these boys too! Hearing them in this episode made me want to know how they’d be holding up after everything settled down, spoiler warnings of course lol


My BKDK heart is FED by this audio 💕


I won’t lie at around 18:42 when the sad music started playing I laughed a little 💀 I just wasn’t expecting it.

cam <\3

“it’s like that sludge villain” bro offended both of them 🙏


I love lore like shot audios, can’t wait for their next spooky adventure (if they have one)


Not gonna lie, I’m the type to channel my inner Brenda from Scary Movie 😂 I’m either gonna leave Katsuki’s loud ass behind or gag him lmao Bro makes too much damn noise 😂😂 Edit: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I should have read the warnings better. For my fellow thalassophobics, skip over or brace for 18:45-21:08. There are the sounds of waves and water after that, but they’re not IN the water, they’re on a raft. Also skip over or brace for 23:10-26:25, bc BITCH ITS THE KRAKEN (note: it may not be the Kraken but it’s the first thing I thought of.) Check the transcription liked at the bottom of the post to get any context you feel you may have missed.

Cheyenne Branham

This is fantastic as always!! Well done team! Tho i personally admit i don't care for the name snowfall, only because i usually picture my sona while listening to the audios, and i don't find snowfall fitting, but i love the audio regardless, the team does wonderful work! And i can't wait for more! ❤


Not gonna lie, I half expected that the waking up part was a dream within the nightmare and that on the last second or so a voice would call out or the clock would start ticking again😂😂


I don't know of this is an issue with Patreon but I felt like the voices sounded a little scratchy? when it got louder. I really loved the story around this but the quality wasn't as impeccable as I'm used to from these audios.


Wow this was like watching a whole movie omg


Maybe on your end because the voices sounded fine to me

Aria Lee

I’m ranking this second to the series from 2021 😭 i remember flinching so hard when the wendigo first sounded 😭


This one made me scared 😨

Kirinkatoki B-K

Finally… after a month🥲 The music😭 This is torture😭😭😭😭 The screams😭 “Am I dead?” DEKU💀💀 Me- *screaming as loud as I can* WE ALMOST DIED😭😭 The costumes🤣 That was so good🥹


good job making the 3 voices distinct :) "snowfall"? ☺️ "pretty little thing"?☺️😘


"We're dead aren't we?" in the water, Incredibles Reference!


So I just had a thought. At the end with the costumes, I was thinking, “why Mirko, out of all heroes”. Is this the same universe as Wardrobe Malfunction?- possibly? Idk my brain is running on monster. Random thoughts galore 🤪