May Drawing Suggestion Box! (Patreon)
Alright! Comin up on a new month and with the comic wrapping up I can get back to drawing more pinups! Definetly gonna be nice to chill out a bit and do one offs for a little while cooling down from grinding all month on the Witch. Very excited for that to drop in a week or two! just gotta make sure it hits.
Gonna try to get to as many as I can, so leave as many of your ideas/wants character suggestions below and I'm gonna try to get to the ones I can! So lets hear em, waifus, femboys, milfs, whatever! drop whatever you're feelin and I'll see what I can do! More specific the better as usual!
EDIT:Halfway through the month so I figured I'd Bump this just so it doesn't get lost! Gonna try and do one or two of these between now and the comic finishing