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So... Hi! If you're on my DA, this may feel a bit copypasted, but given the time and importance, I feel that it's worth it for me to kinda... Make this brief?

My computer was broken for the past week, so even if I wanted to get back on track (Which I was trying to, having some commissions hafl way, and planning a big project that I wanted to reveal this month...), I was unable to, and my levels of stress were... Certainly off the charts. Which is a big, big shame. It also meant that I wasn't able to get commissions, which specially now that I'm currently in another country, is a bit of a big issue, as I'm otherwise unable to get much if any spending money, given the conversion rate between Euros and GBP.

But, at the end of the day. I'm fine. My PC is fine. I'm mentally recovering, and right now trying to calm myself. I want to thank all of you for your support, and for being here with me regardless of how bad things have gotten. I cannot encourage enough for some of you to help out any way you can this month, but I don't want to basically be a E-beggar. I will try to return to my usual creating and posting on sunday, using these days to make sure that my PC still works with everything- As I've already noticed some slight issues that do make things a bit more awkward to get used to. But I'll live, and that's what matters.

I will keep making TF for you all regardess of what happens. Thank you.


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