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Just a little sketch of character from one comix i really love)
But i am really curious would you able to recognize who this dragon are? =3
In this sketch her color is really far from her natural and more near to other dragon from the same comix, but still)

idea requested by DivineRoyalty




Is this Reni from TwoKind?

Todd Diesel

i know this character. she looks younger the way you draw it, but still great.


That's Reni from Twokinds, our favourite shy dragon

Mircea Kitsune

Always felt your style nicely matches that of the Twokinds creator, glad to see such a crossover in the end ^_^


The way her horn curves, and the fact she has on some 'saddlebags', were key giveaways of this being Princess Reni! If this isn't one and the same dragon, you gotta introduce us all to the comic! As always, amazing Piece!


Wow, I am happy ro hear it. Twokinds is one from my most favorite artists. His works always is so alive >w< Thank you very much for this comparison ^w^


Heh, it is really hard to draw character with 100% coincidence, but i did my best anyway^^


Heh, if i remember all correct author doesn't like when people call it as 'saddlebags' (https://www.deviantart.com/twokinds/art/Reni-Ref-Sheet-877690024) Anyway it is really she, happy that you recognize her ^w^


Man, Two Kinds is awesome!


Ah yes, Two Kinds. An excellent choice Sir!