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Finally found a little free time to explore the new c4d particle system. I do not particularly like it but for a lot of simple things, is great.

To be fair I only fiddled with it a bit, but from the videos I watched online, I am pretty sure I did not miss much on particle's capabilities. On top of that, it's only the first version and many basic features are missing so I expect way more down the line. Lastly I would not recommend using it in production just yet.

But for more, go check the video please!

Apologies for this diversion from our ongoing series (will be back on track asap after this with a lot of interesting techniques), I just had to cause I got a lot of questions regarding the new particles in c4d.

Let me know your impressions of the new c4d particles please!

fireworks file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m5t1im6uokxpzx7xe6bo4/2024_4_fireworks.c4d?rlkey=uqlz6xozlbnk36dug7qdz76an&dl=0


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adam forbes

First thing I tried was to see if they interacted with cloth. Pretty disapointing that they don't.


Thanks for mentioned me bro! Btw i also was confused about collision modifier but after a while I found out it’s kind of condition modifier. You can use it as a trigger to create a new group after collision for instance. Also it’s pretty handy to use it inside particle groups to include and exclude collisions. Anyway it’s just first release let see what next. I hope Maxon team will add p2p collisions and liquid and granular solvers.


Gotcha! I need to play more in order for things to make sense! Thanks for the info!!


The C4D t-shirt 😄😄😄

Spenser Clark

Since advection is awful with the other dynamics solvers they should consider a dynamic advection modifier you can simply add as a child to other dynamics for similar functionality - I think these new particles have a lot of potential down the road right now the lack of simple things like vertex emission (I know the life map hack but still) and even texture emission on a low poly source - but we’re going to need more constraints operations for it to contend and be taken seriously too. The flocking is cool but being hacked as a push apart and granular solver when it isn’t.


maxon needs to nail this to be competitive with xp yes! as they are far more advanced in anything. I have faith for next versions and i am also pushing for better advection always lol noone listens though ahha

Eva de Broche

Totally blown by what I am learning on your Patreon! But I am a complete noob to simulations and particles, so I'm trying to make the best of the tools I have for the moment, with your experience would you say that C4D's new system would be enough to do a simple 'sand blowing off a small object' kind of scenario? Or is this pushing the envelope


Thanks a lot Eva! I think it will be totally fine for a basic version of it. All you need is some wind and turbulence and as many particles as possible :) Check out this and see if you can relate with new system. Would not be hard at all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZZRRg4WbBc For fully realistic sand wind though, i would use smoke instead. But i think u can defo get away with just particles, depending the shot.