2024.4 Particles partA (VIDEO TUTORIAL) (Patreon)
Finally found a little free time to explore the new c4d particle system. I do not particularly like it but for a lot of simple things, is great.
To be fair I only fiddled with it a bit, but from the videos I watched online, I am pretty sure I did not miss much on particle's capabilities. On top of that, it's only the first version and many basic features are missing so I expect way more down the line. Lastly I would not recommend using it in production just yet.
But for more, go check the video please!
Apologies for this diversion from our ongoing series (will be back on track asap after this with a lot of interesting techniques), I just had to cause I got a lot of questions regarding the new particles in c4d.
Let me know your impressions of the new c4d particles please!
fireworks file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m5t1im6uokxpzx7xe6bo4/2024_4_fireworks.c4d?rlkey=uqlz6xozlbnk36dug7qdz76an&dl=0