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This one is defo more fun :) Cinema4D procedural flower creation and animation.
Many parts in this series, lots of things to share and always trying to do things up to date with new Cinema4D 2024.2.0

A small note cause a lot of people ask me this:
Be very careful when you change Cinema4D versions and you have dynamics of any sort. Every version for has different range of forces, fields have different behavior, things in general change a lot. To the point of breaking your setups.

This is not helping in production at all, so I would strongly advise to add notes to your working files. What I tend to do in the simplest way, I add a null on top and write there c4d + renderer version among other things. Same thing can be done with an annotation tag in a null.

I got more things to show regarding flowers (everyone's fav topic) so stay tuned!






I can't access the video, can some one confirm they can play the video? Thank you.

Dandan Zhao

Thank you so much


It works today for some reason with the same browser haha, thank you!


great flower tutorial again! :) could you share your new c4d layout in the project files?


Sure thing: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ixsfcv6t1ncquo4g7pe4n/h?rlkey=st6m0qnr0ultc10u53v0otpzy&dl=0 various layouts that fit my 49 inch screen so you might have to adjust a little!

Luis Montoya

Hello Thanos, what commands do you press at min 16:21 to clean the texture?