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The father of manga’s attempt of an X-rated movie will leave you more confused than aroused

(You must be over 18 to watch)


The Weird and Adult Experiment of Osamu Tezuka | Cleopatra (1970) Review (Special Edition)

The father of manga's attempt of an X-rated movie will leave you more confused than aroused


Justin Monti

Well this is different experience than the original review, good thing I'm over 18

Kenneth Stoddard

I’m over 18 so at I’m least able to watch the uncensored version

Trenton Girone

I am over 18 and looking forward to this.


I am over 18.

Alan Oliva

Oh great just what the world needs, a video version for a hornet's nest.

Joshua Copelan

I'm 30 does that count?.......ha ha ha ha. Ok, but seriously looking at the censored version and the uncensored one, it is a totally different experience when watching both. Which is interesting.

Jordan Ogle

I actually got to see this before it was rediscovered thanks to Discotek Media(they also found the first movie of the trilogy, A Thousand and One Nights) and I’ll say this; this is far more interesting than the live action movie with Elizabeth Taylor