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Hey everyone,

I've recently made some updates when it comes to the $100/month Tiers.  If you're not planning on giving me a request any time soon, then don't worry, you don't have to read this and you can continue what you were doing before. However,  for those who want to know what's up, here's the thing.

There are some changes to the Executive Producer Tiers that should help resolve some problems. The first major change I did is that the Executive Producer tier is now exclusively for requests for AniMat's Classic Reviews and it will be limited to accepting 5 patrons at a time. This is to address the issue of having too many people requesting reviews for ACR at the same time where anyone new that would come afterwards end up getting the message of "Sorry, your request will have to wait until next year".  It sucks when I have to tell them that. Hopefully, this will control the problem where any new patrons for the pledge won't have to wait a whole year to have their request reserved.

As for those who want to request me something that isn't either an animated movie or an animated series, I have created a new tier called Special Executive Producer, where that will be the place where you can request me live-action movies, video games, comics, etc. All I ask is that you request me with something that is related to my interests and would fit well in my channel and we'll be all good. This tier will only be limited to 3 patrons at a time.

For those who are currently on the Executive Producer tier and are requesting me something other than an animated film for ACR, don't worry. You can keep your pledge there and once you're review is out, I ask that you please move to the tier you see fit, rather it be to the other Executive Producer tier or reducing your pledge to something smaller.

I'll make a public announcement later on my YouTube Community page, but I figured you'd be the first to know about whatever changes I've done to my Patreon. I'm planning to make a few more changes soon, but when they do happen, I'll let you know. Thank you all for your support and, until next time...

See ya later, dudes!