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I thought it was the end, but no my friends, this is when we get to do it all again!



Justin Monti

The early 2010s definitely felt like the time we were seeing the major comeback of the Muppets. The Muppets (2011)- I absolutely love this movie, I consider this one of my favorite Muppet movies with a really fun story, great songs and great celebrity cameos, and it definitely was the thing that helped reignite the popularity of the Muppets. Muppets Most Wanted- While not as good as the first movie, I still think this is a pretty solid sequel with good humor, fun cameos and very good songs. The Muppets (2015)- This series definitely does feel like a mixed bag, while I do appreciate it for trying something new and some ideas are interesting, some of it does feel a bit poorly executed, and I can honestly understand why ABC canceled it after just one season. So next time we’re gonna be entering into an interesting time with the Muppets especially with everything that happened with the firing of Steve Whitmire as Kermit the Frog and how he was later replaced by Matt Vogal. Also on a side note at about 10:46 you accidentally mentioned the Muppets being released in 2021 instead of 2011, so just a little correction there.

Hunter O'Laughlin

I remember seeing The Muppets in the theaters with my siblings and my middle school teacher who was kind to take us along with her grandchildren and being confused when Wanda Sykes didn’t appear in the film since I remember the TV ads that featured her cameo before it got cut from the final film. I also definitively remember the Lipton Tea Ad they did in promotion for Muppets Most Wanted and, asides from the meme, it’s honestly a really hilarious commercial just for the concept of Kermit living in New York where all the citizens are clones of Animal, a perfect metaphor for how New Yorkers are. Between the two, I’m more of a Muppets Most Wanted guy since I just love how it goes back to just being a Muppet film with gags and satire of the genre they’re spoofing. Plus, there’s still some stuff to enjoy like Sam’s rivalry with Ty Burrell’s police inspector, Constance’s and Dominic Badguy’s banter and the songs. So despite being not as successful as the 2011 film, I still enjoy it regardless and have a fun time with it.

Kenneth Stoddard

I didn’t see two Muppets movies in 2011 or 2014 as a tween and teenager when it came out but I didn’t manage to watch both of them a few years on each film. For the 2011 film, this was a great Muppet movie that haven’t been this good since the original film. I wouldn’t say it a perfect movie, but it is a great movie. Also I been to some location where the 2011 Muppets movie was filmed back in last year when I was in Los Angeles. With the exception of the Disney lot since you have to be really lucky in getting a private tour, I been to the Warner Bros lot where the opening song sequence was filmed, the Universal Studios lot which the interior of the El Capitan was filmed, the El Capitan theater itself of course, and I even managed to see the Jim Henson Company lot where that one was filmed as well and even though I never went inside but seeing the studio itself upon making my way over to the Madame Tussaud was really cool. Not to mention of eating that Pink’s hotdog place for lunch for that one funny scene too upon finishing the Sony Studio tour. It was a great movie movie that made the original film special for many Muppets fans. For Muppets Most Wanted, I thought it was was okay. It good but not great as there was some charm that was missing including the plot that wasn’t as strong as the 2011 and it pretty much sums up to what the opening song sequence described of not being good as it predecessor. As the for the 2015 Muppets series for ABC, even though I have yet to watch it including back then when it was airing when I was watching other ABC series like Marvel’s Agent of Shied and The Goldbergs for example, I heard strongly mixed feelings that it was okay to really disliking it. I don’t know if I’m ready to watch it just yet to form my own opinion about it but I’ll get to it eventually. So for the next chapter that leads to where the Muppets are at right now starting with Steve Whitmire, the former puppeteer of Kermit, leaving Disney and the Muppets Studios, this will get interesting to see how Disney treated the Muppets and puppeteers as a whole right now by the time bombshell of news reports came out. Hope you all bring popcorn for this subject matter for next time!

Luke Johnston

From the looks of it, we're nearing the end of the road--barring the honorable mentions. If I had to guess on what'll be covered next time, it would be the rough transition from Whitmire to Vogel as Kermit, Muppets Now, Muppets Haunted Mansion, and finally, The Muppets Mayhem. I'd expect mention of other things the Muppets did during that time--such as Kermit appearing on the Masked Singer as a contestant.

Hunter O'Laughlin

Man, you’re lucky got to visit a lot of the locations where The Muppets was filmed as well as visiting many film studios at the same time. I’m also a fan of The Goldbergs as well.

Hunter O'Laughlin

I’m sure he’ll mention that at some point in the next part of the Lookback. While I have nothing against Matt Vogel’s Kermit, it’s literally not the same without Steve Whitmire. Even if he was taking over from Jim Henson, there’s no denying Steve was also Kermit as well and with Matt doing both the puppeteering and voice, Kermit’s voice just sounds so off.

Joshua Copelan

It was nice to see The Muppets return after the success with The Muppets (2011), but I don't know what happened that lead to everything after that with Muppets Most Wanted and that ABC Show (I mean I did watch the first episode, but afterwards I fell off, something was off). But with this being when Steve Whitmire being replaced as Kermit, this is where I think things are at an interesting turning point of the Muppets.

Shane Vance

Say, what’s your next Animation Lookback gonna be when you get done with The Muppets