Monthly Vote Winner: Dark Magician Girl (Patreon)
Ok guys I'm wrapping up Octobers monthly vote winner, it's Dark Magician Girl!
I personally thought any of these lovely ladies would fit a Halloween theme pretty well, but it was still a surprise to see her win. Need to write a note for all you tier 3's out there. As you can see the final is only at a total of 53 votes total, yet there are 66 patrons in the Mythical Tier.
This means that a whopping 13 of you never even voted. Not sure if a lot of you just missed the post, but hopefully less miss the next. I'll be posting next months vote cast tomorrow. It will be 5 characters I've previously created. Most of my monthly vote casts will not duplicate previous month characters, which means these 5 ladies won't make it for next month sadly. Either way if you're interested make sure not to miss next months vote and your chance to be a part of it!