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Now this is truly a classic (though this design is based on her latest look from SoR4) I've always wanted to do blaze since I started this work. But the lack of 3D assets for her made it pretty much impossible. So I finally took it upon myself to make my own original hair model just for her, so the hair you see on this figure is technically my first officialy hair creation ever. Hopefully more custom hairs to make in the future as well!

Full sized Alt available on discord:

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There's also an NSFW variant available for those in mythical tier:

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This is a new favorite of mine. Incredible. Especially after looking up the girl who is a fighter, this got 10x better. You nailed the hair.


She looks fantastic! super sexy :D


I think her hair looks great, and of course so do her feet! 😁 Awesome work, Nec!


Absolutely stunning!

Sole Scream

This takes me back


Thank you Tritium <3 I need to check out your most recent works!

NecDaz3D (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-26 10:49:34 Then it seems I've achieved what I was going for <3
2021-08-21 12:20:18 Then it seems I've achieved what I was going for <3

Then it seems I've achieved what I was going for <3

Peter Chan

Boss.I cannot find the downloadlink of Role reversal full size.