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A new comic is underway, a genshin comic with Hu Tao and many other characters!

Hopefully you guys are as excited as I am about this project. It'll give me even more practice with the anime character style. Lemme know what you guys think of Hu Tao, and stay tuned for the future comic project ^^

Link discord with patreon to check out the full variants of Hu Tao ^^

You'll have to link your Patreon and Discord accounts to gain access to the channel. Please ask me or my mod Kerry on discord if you have trouble. Also, please message me here if you have issues joining discord via the link.




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Those toe rings are 🤌


Thank You, glad you enjoyed it <3


Very nice work! The toe rings are <3


I was wondering when you give Hu Tao a shot.


Where can I find the variants on discord?


Hello, after linking discord and patreon they can be found in a channel called "common tier" If you still have trouble I suggest messaging us over on discord as that'd be faster for you.


No hablo inglés, pero espero mi suscripción sea lo necesario para apoyar tu trabajo, quizás una suscripción no sea mucho, pero aquí te dejo mi pequeño grano de arena, sigue así. Saludos desde Mexico 🇲🇽♥️