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Yep... I've finally decided to return to form. I think it's needed to kick-start my workflow again, it's been entirely stagnant... The starting poll is going to be street fighter 6 of course, but if you guys have any other ideas for polls down the road I'm always open to suggestions.

This time there's going to be 2 winners for each poll. 1st place and 2nd place winners of each poll will get renders made of them, to kind of nullify those pesky landslide winning characters. (Looking at you Bea)

You get one vote on this poll so don't waste it, and feel free to make suggestions in chat or on discord if you think of a good poll idea ^^



Why there’s no Juri


Need to see Manon's big ass feet :P


Rooting for Manon and Cammy to come out on top! Also as a suggestion, would love a Persona theme poll and yes, I'm very biased toward that suggestion


We all know Kimberly won't win but I NEEEEED IT


Really hope Manon doesn't win lol. Don't like her enormous flippers


that's a great idea, and definitely one that's possible with upcoming game releases by them.


Awww, thanks! Would love to see it, with Tactica for P5 and Reload for P3 would make fun polls with their main female party members

Dick Grayson

I would love for cammy to win.there to few pic on the internet with her toes out


I'd love to see em all! Chun-Li is my favorite SF girl now, so had to go for her, but I'm glad to see Cammy doing so well...she was my first SF waifu!!




dang no Marisa 😔


Cammy is my Fav ❤️


If Manon wins, I really hope she retains the super long and thin soles and toes. Easily the best in the series


Cammy and Chun have been done to death, Lets have the new girls take the spot light! Lets Go MANON!


Chun-Li best thighs Juri best feet Cammy best cheeks

Trapped Dreamer

I hope Manon has a chance to win. After Juri, she is the girl with the most beautiful and hot feet, in my opinion ❤️

stifledyawn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-04 21:46:31 I'd rather see Lily or Kimberly purely to see something that strays from the norm
2023-07-04 19:43:59 I'd rather see Lily or Kimberly purely to see something that deviates from the norm

I'd rather see Lily or Kimberly purely to see something that deviates from the norm


That's exactly my takeaway, you put Cammy in a popularity contest and you might as well just hand her first place lol