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I think I may be the only one or one of VERY few people who does image sets differently.

For Each character I do:

a set of 20+ images for each sex position (6 sex positions) = 120 images on average, not to mention future ones I figure out to do... xD

a set in sexy poses 20+ images

soon to get masturbation set 20+ images

160+ images total

and also have a 2D, 2.5D, 3D/CGI version for all sets. (total above x 3  (maybe 4 if realistic works out) =.....

...so one character would end up having 480...images per character................ damn that's a ton! xD

Either way though I want to be different than many of the other creators who only do a set that has  multiple sex positions and sexy poses and masturbation in one set that's usually about 40 on average and sometimes a bit more.

I feel like some people don't like how a image looks and often limited to one set and having less of a chance of liking the works due to only have a few images of a sex position they like.

this is my core offer of my subscription for all tiers!


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