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I'm giving it, it's own post that I can link into the welcome note and the Forms so people don't need to scroll through the welcome post to get there, I thought the banners would have been fine to make it easier to find, but I decided to have a sperate post, So people can get a direct view of what's allowed and not allowed, along with the content I currently offer.

Gen 2 will also be shown but will have a note at the top of it's section and in the not allowed list since it's still in testing. I only have started using it about a little over a week xD

Requests will be slower temporarily, but still open! so do ya thing.

Another thing is I feel like I didn't give myself enough time to properly put together the forms, and finally improve the character request info. ( if you have noticed me having to add and remove stuff sometimes).

So I will be slow to work on requests for about as week or bit more since It takes a while for me to remember all the things I know I had to change xD and think of a better note system for myself to remember everything properly xD

Overall this system has been a godsend for me anyways, it's already been much better to take care of requests than just doing messages. I do want to pack in a lot of info so that we can minimize questions being asked and not have delayed requests being made.

No not that I don't want to talk to anyone or help anyone, It's more on minimizing the wait time due to the time differences and my rules/ info I have may be outdated or not clear enough, and may be hard to find through the wall of texts I make and people may end up not going through all of it xD (as I'm making this wall of texts, xD ) hahaha

Let's just say that The character Request Info is finally getting the rework I have mentioned I was going to do but never got to it, so like two big things I'm gonna be working on xD

The easier to see where you are at on my post, the less daunting it will be, the banner system is a hint of what I will do.

Obviously questions can be made if it's not found or you couldn't find it, that's not an issue at all :)


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