Character Request Schedule Announcement. (Patreon)
Over the week I been building a schedule for character requests so that I can have time on new kinds of content and other content I want to make.
I will have it as Monday to Friday from 17:00 UTC - 00:00 UTC I will work on requests.
After the requests, I work on content that already exists that I add my own characters and experiment on new tricks and stuff to improve workflow and try new things.
While on the weekends I work on my new kinds of content like Interactive comics/ multi-character/ mascot/ etc/etc. Not having a limit and schedule has made my tasks all over the place and I tend to forget so doing it or too lazy to do more work after requests are done, since some can be a pain.
Most of the time the new stuff requires me to have a free GPU to use, which is why I will need to have two days off on character requests.
On average I can do 2 full requests a day, sometimes 3 or even 4 a day depending on the supporter's Tier with the time I do requests.
Honestly having that extra time off just from the time of day (after 17:00 UTC) I work on requests alone has already brought in some awesome discoveries and upgrades just from having the extra time to myself.
So by having the weekend off it opens time for me to make new kinds of content that I have had mentioned in my roadmap but never had the time to get to them and end up feeling like a big task, but with enough time given I can make it happen sooner.
As a growing creator and having requests more frequently I been learning and growing how to manage my time.
I'm happy to get requests from all of you and it's helped me care more about timing on what I do so I have a structure.