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This version is based on Froztee's Serana Replacer mod for Skyrim


Three years ago I started modding Skyrim for like about a year and a half and I was obsessed with modding Skyrim and always got this replacer of serana.

Skyrim Modding is probably the most wild and fun gaming I have ever played xD

Fun Fact: I would have not found stable diffusion if it weren't for the Skyrim Adult modding community and the discord from the Ostim Mod( now it's called Open Sex or something like that). But one of the members I became friends with is in AI/ IT related stuff and brought it up, and ever since I been using Stable Diffusion. (January 2023), kind of a wild turn of events for me just because I decided to play Skyrim during the pandemic.

This is a tiny preview since a lot of my sexy previews can't be shown on here to the public xD

I do plan on trying out Gen 2 on this serana since I still preserved my edited modlist of Licentia (by Cacaophony) from 2021 of April and can still play it till this day xD

It's the best version of the modlist I have since I have some really funny mods that I always added and they only worked perfectly with the 2021 build of the modlist.



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