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This is sort of an early test of 2.5D style in Gen 2, I am looking to fix the coloring but not gonna lie I actually like how this turned out.

Edit, Fixed!

Dimension Selection was not supposed to be requested, but I personally wanted to see how Gen 2 does it so this was more of my choice to try out.



Rule34 Diffusion

I originally was gonna allow only Cloud members to get Gen 2......but after doing the requests in Gen 2 I realized how much I couldn't get done dealing with Gen 1, I know, I know I opened it for Cloud members, but tbh, I never realized how much time wasted that could have actually been for taking care of other things while images were being made. Not to mention how much I forget things when I get stuck on a character. Gen 1 was not allowing me to do that, since I had times I would forget to check back after starting it, and then realized a whole set was bad and have to run it again and slow me down a lot.