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I will be offline for a little vacation so these dates I will not be online, posts will be scheduled and I will be on my week off from requests during this time as well .I should be back on the day I would be back from my week break like usual on that Tuesday.

So requests wouldn't get interrupted when I'm gone.

I will have a notice for people to see before they subscribe since I will not have service most likely at that time to add people to the site, unless I get the automated system to work before then.



You're going to a place that won't have network coverage? Dude, that's like the first thing in a horror movie. Bunch of kids go to a cabin and they notice, oh em gee, there's no cell service. 😲 Have fun on your vacay. Be wary of the old creepy dude at the isolated gas station. 😂

Rule34 Diffusion

Shit xD I better be careful then hahaha Maybe I'll trust them better if they have my mascot as a poster hahahahaha