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From having PC Performance issues and having to completly reset, to getting all my content leaked, to having to change my posting strategy(Not bad but a big change), to then getting a post taken down because of how my post came off....oh yeah and the spree of delines I was getting too!! xD

It's been quite a rocky month and a half.

For those who have stayed the long, you guys know how fast I am with character requests, and for those who are newer, it's never this bad, I pretty much had quite a rocky time recently and usually it's never this slow.

I hope some of you will still stay despite this rocky time and stay long enough to get alot of your requests done. I like to make content for people and allow everyone to get a shot at getting characters they normally wouldn't beable to request through the polling system.

Hopefully this is the end and things are chilled out so I can finally have a proper system to get things done quicker.

I will start posting popular characters on here for cloud members for those who do not use the website and then move down the list.

(Please take note Patreon, the requests are not limited to a single person, everyone has access to the content I make on request, just thought I mention that)