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PLEASE NOTE: Due to the extreme heat where I'm at I will be leaving and waking up earlier than expected in the morning since it's an 8-hour drive so I do not have time to remove and repost and schedule the posts on here.

I thought Patreon allowed me to schedule posts for release to all tiers but that is not the case sadly.

So all posts that would have been posted over the weekend are getting released all right now.

Total Hottie xD I might make an anime version of her as well, but I love how she looks in this,
This model can be used for 2.5D but mix it into my model.

I plan to bring back the Dimensions Options once confirmed by Patreon for character requests.

I was successfully able to change Kasumi of DOA into an anime character when she was trained on in-game cutscenes.

Oh and since I have been tagging these I will do a once-a-week collection management where once a week I use the tags to add to the collections.

The collections selection for posts is way too small and hard to find them due to how short it is with how many collections I have.



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