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[Edit] Thanks to the bulk rename utility and a script I was able to sort all the early access content so now if you sort by date or name it will be in the order of when the files were created.

So I am now uploading so might be a little, megacloud is pretty fast.

However Patreon's Plugin would not lock the whole website when there is a setting for it, and it WAS working, but now it doesn't lock the whole website.

Because of this, the website will not open till tomorrow since I spent the whole day doing this and it's getting late...

I will be re-opening Megacloud for cloud members to download from.

It will be linked on my WordPress website which only requires you to sign in with Patreon, so no sign-up is needed.

It will just be the link and no password since I would be changing it daily as people's access expires.


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