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Edit Aug 23rd: Older Sheets for Access Tier, Cloud Tier, and Cloud Plus are now done.

Cloud 2+ Month only has one more request left.

Edit: Added Color Codes, and now I recently realized I can change the message after form submission, so now this post is linked in the message.

Since no one can edit the sheets Might as well make an official post for it and this post will be linked in the About page as well.

(I should have done this MUCH earlier so here are links to the other sheets for better transparency!)

Color Codes for Submission Entries!

Older Sheets, All completed, but will still be linked for anyone who wants and needs to look back at them, and also to keep a record of all the requests I have done:

Access Tier Character Request Sheet [Completed]

Cloud Tier [Completed]

Cloud Tier (2+ Month & 1 Year Subs) [Completed]

Cloud Plus Tier [Completed]

Latest Sheets:

Access Tier

Cloud Tier

Cloud Tier (2+ Month & 1 Year Subs)

Cloud Plus Tier



Does the greened out mean its been completed?

Rule34 Diffusion

Yep the neon green I think there should be a table that points it out, but I might have to find a way to add it without it getting over written. the light green means confirmed through message, and then when requests are being made it's a slightly darker shade, while red means missed and skipped


Hi there. I just subscribed today and I want to make sure I follow the right steps to submit a request. So should I sign in with a google account and request access to the google doc for my tier so that I can fill out a request? Or is there another option?

Rule34 Diffusion

Simply use your Patreon account to log in; a Google account is not required. rule34-diffusion/ https://rule34diffusion.com You can click on the Cloud Plus banner by going here and scrolling down a little. Megacloud, character requests, and a Brainstorm Form (an open recommendation form) are all available on this page. All of my Megacloud upload postings that display what has been uploaded to Megacloud contain it, and it's also at the top of my page's "about" tab if you lose the website.