The concern for too many requests and extending wait times.
- Yes 13
- No 0
- No, but I have a suggestion 1
Long Read, but the question for this poll is at the bottom
So I been thinking about how I should handle this,
More and more people have been putting in requests, and having no limit per month is becoming more and more pointless since eventually all these people requesting, pushes out the chance of a member getting two requests done in one month. Sometimes people get it two times a month.
Another problem is that is if more people request, that will force some people to wait longer than a month and for some who cancel their sub, their request would get made past the time their access expires.
My only possible option is to limit character requests once a month to even things out, not to mention the week off I take throws everything off, but is needed to take a break and also make improvements, usually weekends I can't do certain things to give me enough time on certain tasks.
Timing of when people make requests, and in combination with more people jumping in is something to be concerned about as I don't want people to wait too long, the one request at a time has helped mitigate this as I saw this increase happen, but now the question is, is there any point in even having an unlimited amount of requests a month when there is so many people taking up the whole month?
Doing it once a month can work but also some people may request late in the month and goes into the other month. so would that count into the other month or the month they requested?
ATM I am only thinking of options and I want it to be fair for everyone. SO for now, do you guys like the way of how character requests are done?
Here's another solution, I feel like my time off has been a big factor in pushing these later, so to mitigate, WHY DON'T I JUST DO AT LEAST DO 2 HOURS A DAY ON THE DAYS I'M OFF??
This should not be too bad to do and this would be on the week off as well.
That would be equivalent to 1 cloud plus member a day
2 Cloud members a day.