I figured out why Attack on Titan girls were not working...& Zero Two! (Patreon)
The simple, simple, simple thing is that when you provide the activation prompt for training, you cannot put it in capital letters!
If you do then when you try to use the activation prompt with capital letters then the activation prompt will not work and the character will get ignored, and to fix it, just keep it all in lower caps!!
I made this discovery because I was looking at the prompts that one of the AOT girls were trained with and realized the activation prompt was all in lowercase when viewing the trained prompts.....
This.......this thing may have been the true culprit of WHY Zero Two was not working! It was because I used capital letters in the activation prompt! The style would still show up as that's unet(and style models do not need activation prompts), but the character will not look right)....... xD
So Atack on Titan Girls will have to be remade since I wanted to get them right xD also, Zero Two will get remade as well.............now I wonder how many more girls I have done this on without even realizing it xD