Should I make a Request Limit to 1 per billing cycle?
- Yes 10
- No (Please explain why, you can DM me) 0
(This is not related to the Main Request & Brainstorm Form.)
Cloud plus counts as one request, despite the fact that it contains two characters.
The billing cycle goes like this:
If you subscribed on October 5th, your next charge will be on November 5th.
I am thinking about altering this to limit one request each billing period.
Every week, Tuesday through Friday, with the exception of the first week of the month, I complete 5 hours of character requests. Following that, it takes 2 hours to sort and create folders for each set, upscale the photographs, then upload the upscaled files to megacloud. Finally, watermark the images for Cloud Tier Patreon postings.
I also repost cloud tier content to make it available to Access Tiers.
After all of this, I am worn out and end up doing nothing but trying to get some of the content created.
I've been thinking about adding this limit because I have so much to do but never get around to it because I'm exhausted by the end of the day.
Take my last poll on my request system to see if you appreciated the system I had, despite the fact that it took 3 weeks for each person to get their request processed.
When I have a week off, I spend the majority of it on other things I need to fix and improve, not to mention 2 hours of character requests, as well as creating Main reQuest content, which takes an hour and 40 minutes for one character (actually all non-requested characters) to obtain Sexy Poses, Full Variety, and Beach Poses.
By limiting it, I should be able to reduce wait times since if more individuals subscribe and request characters, it will be hard to cover two requests in a payment cycle when the time comes.
I don't want to be overworked since then I won't have enough time to create newer stuff; after starting to upload everything to Patreon, it ended up adding an extra 2 hours following character requests.
This also explains why I had to reduce the material count on a regular basis owing to how repetitive it became.